Kiss is one of the most loved/hated bands in the world. Hated because they literally invented corporate rock. But the bands included in this compilation know something - they love Kiss for all the right reasons, the music. That's why this compilation boasts some of the "best" bands ever compiled in a single project. Leading the pack is one of the biggest fans of Kiss, the Melvins plus a slew of other "top-rate" acts such as All, Chemical People, Bullet LaVolta, Skin Yard, the Instigators and Nirvana. So what are you waiting for? Grab it now!
Btw, it's not going to hurt you to leave comments, so please do so.
VA - Hard to Believe
I am not ashamed to stand up, cross my legs, spit in my hand, take off my hat, and say: I like Kiss!
Never heard this one though before, there's a Swedish one too I think (or perhaps world release, called Kiss To Hell or something...haven't heard that since 1990s tho')
Lets see if little V will like these Kiss versions, she already dig the real thing!
Same here Slobo, Kiss rulez!!!
Is there any chance you can re-up
Effigies - Remains Nonviewable
Thanks, also do you have anymore albums by The Effigies?
I can't re-upload the Effigies' stuff anymore because they have already contacted me asking me to delete all my Effigies posts. Sorry bro.
I've always wondered about this tribute, but never had a chance to hear it. Thanks!
Hi :-)
Nice side here and much interesting stuff - thx !!!
cheers & greetinx from fucking Germoney =P
you can link my blog too, if you like ;-) much of Punk, HC, Crust & Grind...
Are you looking for that Hüker Dü Tribute here???
thanks!! I´ve linked you too :>
Thank you my friend!
this one is hard to find :-)
this must be the US version as the australian version doesn't have the melvins. has all the other bands + more- was a double gatefold lp
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